Friday, October 30, 2009

New direction aka letter a day

Here's a little change of my own:

I've decided that in an effort to have my voice heard, I would make use of the "most transparent" people-friendly White House in American history. Therefore, today, I sent the first of what I hope will be daily letters to the president via the website. I figure my messages will be ignored, but I'll give it a try anyhow. I will post the submitted emails and any responses I receive on this blog. Let's see if the president and his gang are as out of touch with the folks who don't think he's Mr. Wonderful as I believe he is. Just a bit of a disclaimer: I did put in the line: "I'm just hoping maybe hearing from a few of us who were hoping you'd surprise us all and do a good job might convince you to get down to business."

Though I was pretty sure this man would not do a good job after he was elected, I allowed a little TEENY part of my mind to have a little TEENY bit of hope that he might surprise us and turn out not to be the failure we expected. That doesn't mean I am or ever have been a supporter of Obama. Nope. I just tried to be a little optimistic ... err ... hopeful ... gag ... Obviously that part of my brain died a quick death within hours of his being declared the winner. Please forgive the lapse in judgement.

Here is the text of Letter One submitted 12:19 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30, 2009:

"Thanks again for yet another classy response to criticism in the media. You continue to claim you're far better than that nasty old George Bush, but I hate to tell you this: Bush had enough class to realize that dissent and disagreement is part of a free America.

If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you guys grow up and get busy doing your jobs? We've got people dying in Afghanistan yet you just can't seem to find the time to actually do anything your own appointee asks you to do.

It's all well and good to show respect for those who have given their all so you can sit in the White House and snipe at the few media outlets who don't spend their time sucking up to you. However, if you truly respected those men who died, you'd have gone to meet them without your fawning media buddies in tow.

Mr. President, you and your staff never cease to amaze me. Just when I think you've exhibited the most childish behavior you can, you manage to pull yet another classless, pathetic tantrum out of the hat.

Please, Mr. President. You've had nine months to get on your feet. You've had six months to take a look at your Afghanistan strategy and refine it. You may believe you're better than all us nasty conservatives, but your behavior doesn't show it.

It's time to stop campaigning, complaining and blaming others. Step up to the plate and do your job.

I'm ticking the "contact me" button, but do not expect any response. I'm aware the only folks you respond to (other than in a snarky attack piece) are those your staff have planted for you. That's ok. I'm sure we wouldn't agree on much of anything anyhow. I'm just hoping maybe hearing from a few of us who were hoping you'd surprise us all and do a good job might convince you to get down to business. You know what I mean... being the leader of the United States of America.

You wanted the job, you got it. Now do it."

Now we'll see if we get any response. Meanwhile, I'll go through my list of concerns for the topic for the Halloween A Letter A Day.

See ya tomorrow and God Bless America!


Friday, October 9, 2009


Just got word the man who would be king has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? Seriously. Are you serious? No way.

For years I've questioned the validity of this award. For every person around the world working hard for peace and human rights, the Nobel committee seems to prefer giving their award to those who lobby harder than they work for humanity.

Jimmy Carter won in 2002. For what, exactly? The Nobel committee honored Begin and Sadat for their efforts already and beyond his almost non-existent work to get those two to the table, I don't see Carter having done much other than go around the world and spew his anti-Semitic beliefs that Israel is the cause of all the troubles in the Middle East.

Al Gore won for his work to convince the world that Global Warming is real. To date the man has continued to swear up and down we're all gonna die unless we change our ways, all the while still living in his energy black hole of a mansion and continuing to fly around in his private jet whenever he can. Forget his gas guzzlin' vehicles and the rest of the hypocrisy parade that is the Al Gore show.

And in 2009, when there are dissidents all over the world jailed for their efforts to bring peace to their countries, the Nobel Committee gives the prize to ... Obama. *cue the sound of crickets*

Forget the fact that the president has continued the same policies for which Bush was smeared all over the world. Forget the fact that the new guy has shit all over our Eastern European allies. Forget the fact that when he took office Iraq was well on its way to democracy and Afghanistan was relatively quiet and today both areas are seething with renewed Islamic evil. Forget the fact that this president has done everything but sexually service America's enemies around the world fostering a dangerous view that America is weak. And forget that this man pissed in the face of the Dalai Lama (the first American president to do so in DECADES) in order to appease the Chinese government, a government with nearly the WORST human rights record in the world.....

Forget ALLLLLL these things and focus on the fact that the man has yet to do ANYTHING constructive and was only in office 11 DAYS before the nomination deadline. ELEVEN DAYS.

It took God seven days to make the world. Apparently it's taken 11 days for Barack Obama to fix it.


This is a fucking joke and all you lib nuts know it. The world knows it. This is nothing but another ego stroke for a half-assed failure of a president in hopes it will convince people he's actually not such a fuck up.

Screw you, Nobel Committee. Screw you, Norway and all you liberal bleeding heart idiots. You just proved to the world you're full of shit and know NOTHING about real peace and human rights.

You left those imprisoned in China for fighting for their freedom to hang. You left to hang the women of Afghanistan and the rest of the Middle East who want nothing more than to learn and live a life just like everyone else. You shit in the face of all those who died in fights around the world to bring peace and democracy to those who dream of it. And you made it very clear to us all that you are nothing but scum who can be bought off by offers of accolades by a bunch of people who know NOTHING about peace and prosperity.

Screw YOU all. This man is NOT worthy of this award and you know it. You should be embarrassed and ashamed.