Friday, August 28, 2009

Another great idea from our new rulers

Question: What do you get when you take a corrupt group of Chicago politicians and combine then with unlimited power over the only remaining super power in the world?

Answer: A complete clusterfuck of Biblical proportions aka the world's newest dictator/king.

So, while the world mourns (ick) the passing of the last of the Kennedy clan's political wing, news comes today of the latest power grab by BO Boy and the Chicago Thugs:

"Bill would give president emergency control of Internet"

Note this news comes from CNet, not Fox News therefore it should be difficult for libs to attribute it to right wing lunacy. Not that they won't or anything.

Basically, S 773, in the guise of "protecting the U.S. from cyberterrorism" gives the president the ability to seize "temporary" control of private networks should there be a cyber attack on the country.

Why is this disturbing? Well, considering BO Boy's chief of staff Rahm E. has been quoted in the past as saying it's best never to let a crisis go unused for political gain, this bill has repercussions which could wind up being pretty far-reaching.

Why I'm laughing is, when the Chinese ban certain websites to keep their people from getting outside news, the left howls about oppression and the like. Yet this bill does the EXACT thing they're bitching about!

This country is becoming a pretty scary frigging place. So far we've handed control of the financial sector over to the White House (after all, the president now has the power to hire and fire anyone he likes in the auto industry and is busily securing the same power in the health care industry) along with the power that goes along with the left's control of both houses of Congress and everything else political they can get their hands on.

As of this week, the White House took control of terrorist interrogation from the CIA and put it in the hands of a new "unit" which will answer only to the White House, removing any Congressional oversight from the process. In addition, the Department of Justice in the guise of Attorney General Eric Holder has decided that despite the fact that previous prosecutors and the like with no political axe to grind had decided against it, the DOJ needs a special prosecutor to look into the past interrogations by the CIA.

This is after AG Holder decided that even though blatant threats by members of the New Black Panther party toward voters on election day had been deemed illegal by others, in his sight nothing wrong had happened. Oh ... and don't forget old Bill Richardson here in New Mexico. He's been let off the hook via Holder's DOJ even though a grand jury and prosecutors in New Mexico were already working on the case.

So, let's look at the count boys and girls: The White House now controls terror interrogations, the auto industry, the judiciary, the banks and financial sector, the Congress and all of the other government entities they're actually entitled to control since they won and now they want to be able to seize control of the Internet when they feel its necessary.

Why don't we just declare BO Boy king and get it over with? That's what he wants and that's what the left wants to give him. After all, thanks to Pelosi, Republicans can't even send out emails when they want without the left denying them that right. And they sure as hell don't have any say whatsoever in any legislation that's brought up for a vote, despite claims to the contrary.

If you people cannot see just how dangerous it is to give one man this much power over this country, you're fucking insane.

Do you doubt it's a bad thing? Well, why don't you ask the people of Russia, Germany, Japan, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Honduras and the myriad of other countries in the world where tyrants either have ruled or have sought to rule how that worked out for them.

Is this the change you voted for? It sure as HELL is the change all of us TRIED to warn you about.

I just hope to hell you all wake up before it's too fucking late.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Things that make you go WTF?

So, the wave of grief over the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy has washed over the country and while I attempted to speak respectfully yesterday, I feel that the unabashed glossing over of the partisan and, in at least one glaring incident, near traitorous behavior of this man should be addressed.

Despite the fact that the man was known to have some pretty severe character flaws, was involved in an accident following which he left a woman behind to die to cover his own ass, his decidedly uncivil behavior on the Senate floor during at least one confirmation hearing and his behind the back attempt to undermine a sitting president, the press and the left of this country has been behaving as if Sen. Kennedy were akin to a saint.

To hear tell, this senator was never uncivil. This is patently false. Despite the whining and crying over how mean Republicans were to Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor, Kennedy's comments about Bush 41 Supreme Court nominee Bork will live in infamy as some of the most uncivil, false attacks on a nominee ever made. Kennedy said Bork would preside over a country where: "women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy."

Does that sound "civil" to you? It sure as hell doesn't to me. But then I guess that sort of talk is something only liberals and democrats are allowed to put forth. Kind of like the eight years we spent with lynched Bush 43 effigies, signs about killing a sitting president, etc., that were just fine when it was liberals saying it. Yet today, you can't even disagree with BO Boy and hig Gang of Thugs without being called racist, Nazi, etc. Weird, huh?

But even this pales in comparison to Kennedy's attempts to undermine the presidency of Ronald Reagan.

Rush Limbaugh is set to do a big show on this issue, so I'm sure people will finally hear a little bit more about it than I can produce here. But suffice it to say, when the KGB files were opened after the USSR dissolved, evidence was discovered that Sen. Kennedy, through a friend who was visiting the Soviet Union, contacted the Andropov government to offer his help in undermining the Reagan administration.

The text is available in a book by Paul Kengor called The Crusader - Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism. But the meaning is very clear. Kennedy didn't agree with Reagan's actions and felt that it would be better to go behind the president's back and try to work with a foreign government rather than agree to disagree and attempt to fix things via legal channels back home.

Sound familiar? It should. BO Boy did much the same thing during what I call his "Legitimizing a Man Without a Lick of World Experience" tour before the 2008 election. While he visited Iraq in attempt to look presidential, BO Boy is alleged to have met with Iraqi leaders and asked them NOT to deal with the Bush administration regarding troop withdrawal. What makes this even more disgusting is that BO Boy hadn't even been ELECTED yet, and he was going behind the sitting president's back in an attempt to thwart U.S. negotiations.

Where I come from, boys and girls, this is not only disrespectful and wrong, it's treasonous behavior which should have been cause for the man to lose the election. Yet he won and now sits in the White House shoving everything he can think of to further his own power down American throats.

To add insult to injury, now we've got the left using the death of, let's face it, a man who did nothing but benefit from his family's wealth and standing, to shove this healthcare crap in our faces and down our collective throats. While Sen. Kennedy used his money to get himself the best healthcare he could afford, bypassing a system he says would be great for the rest of us, the left is making hay out of the situation, claiming the man's death shows just how bad the current system is. It makes no sense! Under the new plan, Kennedy would have been pushing up daisies last year when he was diagnosed. Instead, he used the current system to give himself several more months of life.

The hypocrisy of the left is truly mind boggling. Please, America. Wake the hell UP! Time is short, but the years it will take to fix the mess they're pushing us into will be loooooong. Stop them now.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RIP, Senator, May God have mercy on your soul

For a person of faith, situations like this can be difficult. Not because I don't believe in the forgiveness of God. Nope. I know God forgives. That's something that keeps me going every day.

But for many, many years, I've watched Sen. Edward Kennedy on the national stage, unrepentant, often smug, always obviously benefiting from the life to which he was born.

I was born in Okinawa to a U.S. Air Force airman and his young wife. We came back to my mother's family home in Texas not long after. Since I was a wee lass when the future senator from Massachusetts was involved in Chappaquiddick , I wasn't there watching the news and gathering knowledge for myself. That means I've been forced to learn about the incident from the memories of others.

As is common today, news accounts of this situation are relatively skewed in a manner which makes Kennedy appear a victim. As the years go by, investigations and deep looks into the incident show that may not have been the case. But the one stark reality is, the man, whether in fear or deliberate negligent behavior, left a young woman to die. There is no excuse for this.

But now that he has passed on to God's judgement, can Mary Jo's family forgive him? If they can, then I suppose, despite our disagreements with his political actions and other behaviors, so must we. Even if they cannot, we, as American Conservatives who have been dealt with so badly in situations like this by those on the left, MUST do as God does and offer our prayers for the man.

Therefore, let me be among the many who, today, say "Rest in peace, Senator. May God show you his infinite mercy and may you find eternal grace."

In your honor, Senator, I had hopes that those on the left would not use your passing as a crass way to gather steam for their own political uses. I had really hope BO Boy would not use this as another grand-stand moment. But I'm already beginning to see that I was wrong. What a shame.

Are these people really telling me they could not find SOMETHING in this man's life to discuss, remember, honor? Instead they had to make this thing all about the politics. Now that I think about, though, as others have said before me, THIS reaction is probably not a surprise at all. And it's most likely EXACTLY the action the Senator would have taken himself.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Get Ready Boys and Girls, Here it Comes...

I apologize in advance for the length of this post. This has been festerin' for a while, so I figured I'd make the inaugural rant a long one.

So, I'm readin' the news today and discover that our Dear Leader aka The One aka The Messiah aka BO Boy (I prefer the last, therefore that is what I shall call him. Don't like it, too frigging bad.) has taken it upon himself to create a "terrorism interrogation unit" answerable only to the White House.

Now, if I remember right, those on the left spent the years since 9/11 (Remember that one.. that time those terrorists attacked us and killed nearly 3,000 Americans.. I know that you do, despite the best efforts of the left and our utterly ethical media) going completely bugshit every time the Bush administration attempted to keep an eye on terrorist activity. "He's taking too much power!" they hollered. "How DARE he spy on Americans! How DARE he interrogate terror suspects in such a mean, EVIL manner!"

While the Attorney General appointed by BO Boy busily lays plans to prosecute Bush era CIA operatives who, just for the record, managed to glean information which kept this frigging country safe since 9/11, BO Boy himself creates a unit all his own to "interrogate" suspected terrorists. Huh. How times have changed.

This is just another example of the left and its never-ending two-faced view of the world.

During the Bush years, there was NOTHING the president could do that was right. Despite the fact that there have been NO OTHER attacks on this country, Bush was seen as evil because he made it clear to his government that terrorism was to be stopped, no matter the cost. If it meant that people with ties to questionable organizations or individuals over seas would have their phones tapped, then that's what would have to happen.

The New York Times outted that program with no concern for how badly it would hamstring anti-terror efforts because, they claimed, no administration should have the right to spy on the American people. Never mind that the program was NOT spying on just anyone. It was spying on those who clearly had ties where they shouldn't.

Now, I don't agree with the former president on a variety of subjects. I think amnesty sucks. I think he left us wide open for the unfettered spending we're seeing by BO Boy and his Gang of merry idiots by allowing Congress to spend like crazy during his terms.

But on this subject, I believe President Bush did a great job. He kept this country safe. And he took the War on Terror (I know, I know ... this term isn't used any more. Terrorism is nothing more than "man caused disaster.") TO the terrorists and kept it from our shores. No president can ever claim to have done more for his people on that score.

All of his efforts, however, have gone for naught. Because BO Boy and the Gang have not only decided that to fight back is wrong, they're busily making it impossible for this country to be safe. In fact, the ONLY folks this administration seems comfortable targeting are those who don't agree with whatever half-assed policies they determine are necessary for the "public good."

For those of you who are graduates of public schools, here is a little lesson of history:

Despite Madam Blathermouth Pelosi's assertions that Americans who oppose BO Boy's health care reform are "Nazis," the only folks in this country acting in a Nazi-like manner are those on the left. Don't get what I'm saying? Let me explain. You see, Hitler did not look like a monster to the German people. He looked like a guy who wanted to "change" things. He wanted to bring "hope" to the German people. It just so happens that he used hatred of the Jews to give the people that "hope." While I realize this is a very, VERY Cliff Notes look at how Hitler came to power and millions of Jews and others who disagreed with him came to die, I feel it gives some insight into how this country, right now, is headed down the same very slippery, dangerous slope upon which the German people found themselves.

Despite the fact that many of the ideas put forth by Hitler and his guys were blatantly socialist in nature, Hitler used the country's fear of communism and the fact that there were attempts at revolution in Germany led by Jewish communists to convince the people that, among other things, Jews were the cause of the people's trouble. By demonizing the Jews, Hitler managed to find a scapegoat upon which to blame every thing that had gone wrong for Germany. Instead of bringing all sides to the table, Hitler, like the dictator he was, used his charisma and presence to rid the country of anyone who disagreed with him. Those who came to meetings where he was speaking were removed forcibly. Once he gained office no one was allowed to disagree with anything he proposed.

Sound familiar? Despite the fact that the left absolutely LOVES to draw parallels between Nazis and anyone who disagrees with them, especially those with conservative beliefs, the truth of the matter is, the Nazis had much more in common with the left of this nation and its "Democrat" party. That's why it's become wrong to disagree with BO Boy on ANYTHING unless you want to be declared "racist" among other nasty little labels the left likes to apply.

It's frightening, depressing and downright disturbing how far we've gone down the road to tyranny in just a short time.

Never did I believe I would see an American president act in the manner that BO Boy has in the few months he's been in office. I was shocked when the man used his office to attack an American citizen by name simply for disagreeing with him as BO Boy did Rush Limbaugh. But that shock was NOTHING compared to the absolute amazement I felt when I heard that this administration was asking American citizens to rat each other out for "fishy" opinions on health care reform. And then came the town halls wherein BO Boy and his Gang found that people didn't agree with their plans. Instead of listening, these people decided that those who were protesting their "change" were Nazis, astroturfers, racists with no brains. These couldn't be real Americans, the Gang said, because they were too well-dressed. They had to be angry because BO Boy was black. There was no WAY these people could be angry because the president and his Gang were shoving this legislation down their throats with nary a glance at what the actual legislation contained. Hell no. They're just idiots who don't know any better.

My, how a few months changes things. In January the American people had finally gotten a brain. They'd elected a black man to office. A smart, educated, well-spoken black man who was going to fix things in this fucked-up country. After eight years of hell under that dictator in training Bush, America was finally free!!!! Yippee!!!!

You're kiddin' me, right? Oh wait. The American people are only stupid and fucked in the head when they disagree with what the left and the media tell them is right.

Huh. Wait a minute. I call bullshit, boys and girls. To me, it looks like the only fucked up thing about America was its belief in a man with no experience in anything other than running for office. A man with little or no respect for the office to which he was elected. A man with very little class when it comes right down to it.

The man that got himself elected to the presidency looks to me like the man who may well be overseeing the most corrupt administration and Congress in U.S. history. A man who will stop at nothing to gain more and more power for himself. Too bad he's throwing the entire welfare of this country under the bus while he he does it.

Never before in this history of this country have more people had more on the line than we have now. We have our very freedom at stake. And this latest action by BO Boy and his Gang just goes to show how very dangerous things have become. You see, once Hitler gained control of every single aspect of the German government, no one was safe. And the German people LET him get that control.

Today, a sitting American president has created his own terrorist interrogation unit, answerable ONLY to the White House, in the guise of "protecting the people."

My question is: just what is this man's definition of a "terrorist." Because not too long ago, the Department of Homeland Security named anyone with a variety of conservative values to be possible terrorists right along with returning military and others.

Does this mean that anyone who disagrees with this president and his Gang could find themselves visiting with the officials from this new "unit?"

Wake up, America. Your president has just created his own gang of thugs answerable only to him. You think he won't use them? Just what do you think this man has called out the unions for? They sure as hell ain't filling up these town halls with thugs just to keep dialogue going!

You'd better stop this man before the people they haul in to "interrogate" turns out to be you.

P.S. I heard this quote during a television show today:

"Dictators always start out saying they're gonna help the little guy. It's the "Big Daddy." Here is this powerful person and he is committed to taking care of me. And these powerful men who represent oppression, dictatorship do have do have a charisma about them, the charisma of power about them. Saddam Hussein had terrific what the military calls "command presence." He walked tall, upright, tended to dominate any landscape he occupied. His message was: "Follow me and I'll take care of you. One can see the attraction. "

The man who said this was a dyed in the wool leftist. Though this comment was part of a show about the evil Empire in Star Wars, I think it applies to the BO Boy administration very VERY well. After all, wasn't he such a charismatic feller that everyone forgot to check the bullshit meter when he spoke? I'm sure he'd disagree with how I've used it, but I've gotta thank ol' Dan Rather for the quote. He hit the nail right on the frickin' head. Thanks, Mr. Rather, even though I'm sure you figured we'd all see President Bush in your words rather than your Dear Leader.